Erwin Keustermans
1960, Geluwe, Belgium
Works and lives in Semmerzake, Belgium.
1960, Geluwe, Belgium
Works and lives in Semmerzake, Belgium.
The way we think can be shown in forms. I deal with accumulation, juxtaposition or making relations between a few of the many possible forms.
These forms are like stones or branches that you happen to find and keep. Forms that have a shape which is always in a certain way unique, member of a class of forms and at the same time member of many classes so it is not clear what the form exactly exemplifies.
That is my art. It is not science because I don't seek to weed out contradictions and it is not philosophy because it adds not to understanding, only to experience
These forms are like stones or branches that you happen to find and keep. Forms that have a shape which is always in a certain way unique, member of a class of forms and at the same time member of many classes so it is not clear what the form exactly exemplifies.
That is my art. It is not science because I don't seek to weed out contradictions and it is not philosophy because it adds not to understanding, only to experience
1985: master in Philosophy, Catholic University of Louvain.
1987-2001: Computer Graphics professional, London and Gent.
2002: post-graduate Computer Science, University Ghent.
2003: Starts work on PhD research on algorithms for the generation of patterns.
2007: Stops working on PhD, starts making art.
Group shows:
2018: “100 Portraits”, Teekengenootschap Pictura, Dordrecht
2018: “Streams of Consciousness”, Drawing Center, Diepenheim, NL
2017: “Autopoeisis”, Curated by Willem Sanders, Castello Priamar, Savona, Italy
2016: "Menin Road/Yperstrasse", Curated by Johan Tahon, parcours between Menin and Ypres, Belgium
2015: "Mandel-ART trienniale", Oostrozebeke, Belgium
2014: selectie "Prijs Tekenkunst stad Ronse"
2013: "Kosmos", Gallerie S&H De Buck, Gent, België
2010: "It's raining, fight youngsters", Galerie Wetering, Amsterdam.
2009: "Küf/mold", Charlois, Rotterdam.
2008: "Küf/mold" , Sleepstraat/Oudburg, Gent.
2007: "Küf/mold", Kapali Çarsi (the Covered Bazaar), Istanbul.
Duo Shows:
2018: “De studio als hof”, With Karin Trenkel, Galerie Hommes, Rotterdam
2016: “Der Mensch und seine Umgebung", With Roland Sohier, Galerie Hommes, Rotterdam
2015: "MANS", With Frank Halmans, huisgalerie Hinke Schreuders, Amsterdam
2013: "Observations", With Marco Douma, Galerie Hommes, Rotterdam
Solo presentation:
2009: "the depth plane / het dieptevlak", Limerick, Gent
2018: Wall drawing in children’s home ’t Roborstje, Zwalm, Belgium